Christmas is the best time of year! Lisa is visiting us for a week--there could be no better present. Our thoughts and prayers are with Matt while he spends another Christmas in Iraq. We were blessed to have Deron, Christy, & Liam over for dinner and then off to church for the Christmas Eve service. We opened presents afterwards. It was fun to see Liam get excited over his first Christmas experience! Christmas morning we had Aunt DeNelda & Jeanette over for brunch, along with Grandma & Ted and Larry & Darla. We had ableskievers (our traditional favorite) and quiche and lots of other scrumptuous food! Lisa took David & Britt up to Forest Falls to play in the snow after everyone left. We broke in Lisa's new Christmas Story version of Monopoly with a most rousing game. Denny beat everyone soundly and will probably be reminding us of that for the next several years. He claims he offered us many "sweet deals" that we were fools not to take. We each have our own version of what took place. . .