So sorry to not be a regular at blogging.
Christy stopped by and helped me get a new background today and reminded me that I need to add something new ONCE IN AWHILE! Here is what has been going on with us since the last time . . .
- David has started his baseball season so he is testing out the success of his shoulder surgery. Hopefully he will be blessed with no injuries this season. He is supposed to be a designated hitter and avoid throwing as much as possible. He has had to play more than he should, however, since the team is down to 9 players for some games.
- Denny went to Chicago last weekend for a dental conference. He nearly froze!! Said he probably wouldn't do that again in the winter. We feel pretty certain now that he won't be packing us up and moving back home to Indiana anytime soon. He has threatened that for years, but we just saw the wimpier side of him this last week!!
- Got my foot x-rayed on Monday and they decided 2 of the 3 fusions aren't quite complete yet so I have another 4 weeks in my cast. Not what I wanted to hear, of course. I'm having to cut back on some of the physical therapy, but I can still walk on it while it is in the cast. The doctor did say I could go ahead and get my knee replacement scheduled for May, so I'm hopeful that I may still be ready to go back to work in September--we'll see.
- The world's best grandbaby, Liam, is now walking. Cutest thing you ever saw!! I really need to get the camera out.